More website tweaks and Gloomhaven spoilers (Music Note class)
This week on Productivity Thursday, I spent a couple of hours tweaking this place even more. Apparently it has been broken since last time, and the background color doesn’t work right (though it shows correctly in preview, which is how it happened). I also had to manually add CSS to change the background color on the posts list page (which I don’t think have have easily accessible right now, but it should later or if I’m wrong). Certain pages, especially the home page can get jittery. I worked around this by forcing the y scrollbar always on. IDK.
Towards the Gloomhaven class spoilers aspect, that double retire hasn’t happened yet, but I know one of the classes likely to be played next, so I did basic prep work on the Music Note class. I also tried out a cheap light box thingy I bought online for more consistency in pictures. Spoilers for the class’s miniature below!